Averland FC

Fight Nematodes in an Easy-to-Use solution
Averland® FC protects crop quality and yield from nematodes and a broad range of insect pests in a convenient, easy-to-use application with an excellent safety profile and proven ROI.

When applied in-furrow, it maximizes yield potential by providing a concentrated area of protection around the seed and root zone through critical early stages of crop development.

Easy to handle, low use-rate, liquid nematicide with an excellent safety profile.

Compatible with liquid fertilizers, micronutrients, and other inputs for ease-of-use.

Flexible tank mix partner for in-season control of key pests.
CROP* | |
CITRUS | Leafminers, Mites, Psyllids, Thrips |
CORN | Nematodes |
COTTON | Mites, Nematodes |
EDIBLE BEANS | Leafminers, Spider mite |
POTATOES | Potato psyllid, Spider mites, Colorado potato beetle, Leaf miners, Nematodes and Thrips (suppression) |
* For a full list of crops and pests, refer to label.
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Info Sheets
Averland FC CORN Sell Sheet Averland FC Cotton Sell Sheet Averland FC Potato Sell Sheet Product Portfolio Brochure Fruit and Vegetable Sell Sheet Foliar Product Portfolio Corn Solution Guide COTTON SOLUTION GUIDE POTATO SOLUTION GUIDE
Active Ingredient Content
0.7 lb abamectin/gal
Important: AVERLAND FC IS A RESTRICTED USE PESTICIDE. Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Vive Crop Protection, Inc. products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. AgLogic® is a registered trademark of AgLogic®. Velum® is a registered trademark of Bayer Group. Allosperse®, Averland®, AZteroid®, Bifender®, Precision Chemistry™, Viloprid®, and the Vive Crop Protection® logo are trademarks of Vive Crop Protection. ©2025 Vive Crop Protection Inc.