Midac FC

Easy-to-use sugarbeet maggot control
For sugarbeet growers looking for reliable sugarbeet root maggot control, Midac® FC insecticide delivers a unique liquid fertilizer compatible solution that is more economical and easier to handle than Counter® 20G.

Delivers the trusted performance of imidacloprid, providing long-lasting, systemic control of insects, including sugarbeet root maggot, where 13.6 fl oz of Midac FC provides equivalent performance to 7.5 lbs of Counter 20G.

The only imidacloprid compatible with liquid fertilizers and other crop inputs.

Provides a more cost-effective solution to control sugarbeet root maggot vs Counter 20G.

No need for additional equipment and heavy boxes.
CROP* | |
SUGARBEETS | Sugarbeet root maggot, Aphids, Leafhoppers, Whiteflies, Flea beetles Suppression of symptoms of: Western yellows, Beet curly top virus |
* For a full list of crops and pests, refer to label.
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Info Sheets
Active Ingredient Content
1.7 lb imidacloprid/gal
Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Vive Crop Protection, Inc. products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. Allosperse, Midac and the Vive Crop Protection logo are trademarks of Vive Crop Protection.